
Question Types 3 (clone) (0.0001-clone)


  • Deep links
  • Test 222
  • Password
  • TEST - All types
  • Abandon test
  • Simple test multiple choice (clone)
  • Fill the gaps simple test
  • Test ordering
  • Free text test
  • Multiple choice test
  • Multiple choice test no validation
  • Simple test multiple choice
  • Simple test drag and drop
  • Likert survey
  • Likert survey - No empty answers
  • Randomized 1 - Snapshot
  • Randomized 2 - Password
  • Randomized test
  • Section 1 - Feedback
  • New unit
  • Fill gaps test
  • Repeatable
  • Survey 2
  • Multiple choice with 3500 chars feedback
  • Question without feedback
  • Question with tall HTML
  • Question with 3500 chars feedback
  • Question with normal feedback
  • Single choice with feedback
  • Fill the gaps with feedback
  • Match the pairs with feedback
  • Ordering with feedback
  • Freetext with feedback
  • Question with small feedback
  • Feedback with html
  • Test without feedback
  • Limited tries
  • Section 2 - Extended Free Text
  • Question with FreeText question - Empty is allowed this title is very very long)
  • Survey with FreeText - Empty is allowed
  • Test with FreeText question - Navigation not allowed
  • Test with FreeText question - Navigation allowed
  • Section 3 - Navigation in Tests
  • Test Fill The Gaps navigation
  • Test Fill The Gaps x4
  • Section 4 - Shuffling
  • Simple test (Shuffling)
  • Section 5 - Randomized Questions
  • Test with randomized questions (First 2 are randomized)
  • Section 6 - Audio tests
  • [MP3] Audio file
  • [WAV] Audio file
  • [OGG] Audio file
  • [MP3] Audio file with auto start
  • Section 7 - Match the pairs
  • Match the pairs test
  • Match the pairs unit
  • Section 8 - Empty Answers
  • Test with all types of questions
  • Simple survey
  • Test FreeText
  • Survey (Disallow empty answers)
  • Section 9 - Assignments
  • Assignment with long description
  • Assignment - Accepts - Text
  • Assignment - Accepts - Video
  • Assignment - Accepts - Audio
  • Assignment - Accepts - File (zip)
  • Assignment - Accepts - Image
  • Assignment - Accepts - Doc
  • Assignment - Accepts - PDF
  • Assignment - Accepts - Instructor's reply contains hyperlink
  • Section 10 - TEST COMMENTS
  • Test with comment (if passed) - SHOULD PASS
  • Test with comment (if failed) - SHOULD FAIL
  • Test without message (if passed) 0------------0
  • Test with two attempts
  • Test with snapshot
  • ilt_1571389396
  • Password protected 2 - Password is 123456
  • Password protected 3
  • Document
  • Test without feedback (clone)
  • Test with tall HTML
  • Test with tall HTML (clone)
  • Test with limited attempts
  • Test immediately abandoned
  • Test Immediately Abandoned 2
  • ILT New
  • Content with hyperlinks
  • ILT
  • Yet another ILT test
  • ILT Bug Attempt
  • Links in HTML content
  • New unit 2
  • Password protected 2 - Password is 123456 (clone)
  • New survey
  • Full screen content
  • snapshot 1
  • pass 1
  • snapshot 1 (clone)
  • snapshot 1 (clone)
  • snapshot 1 (clone)
  • snapshot 1 (clone)
  • pass 1 (clone)
  • pass 1 (clone)
  • pass 1 (clone)
  • pass 1 (clone)
  • Fill the gaps test
  • target="_blank"
  • target="_blank" (clone)
  • target="_blank" (clone)
  • target="_blank" (clone)
  • target="_blank" (clone)
  • target="_blank" (clone)
  • Test immediately abandoned (multiple questions & countdown)
  • Test reports - 1
  • Simple test multiple choice (reports testing)
  • Simple order test (reports testing)
  • Simple drag and drop (reports testing)
  • Simple fill the gaps test (test reports - user answers Testing)
  • multiple choice multiple answers
  • Fill the gaps test (test reports implementation testing)
  • test iframe
  • Test with images
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Randomized 1 - Snapshot, Randomized 2 - Password, New unit, Multiple choice with 3500 chars feedback"